Using Status Permissions [Only available to Enterprise customers]

Please note: This feature is only available to Enterprise customers.

  • Customers who have trialed Status Permissions (Beta), but are not Enterprise customers will see the feature switch off completely.
  • Enterprise customers who have tried the Status Permissions (Beta) feature but turned it off will see the feature turn on by default.


The Status permissions feature is designed to give the workspace administrators more flexibility over approval workflows and how statuses on a project can be updated. It introduces granular control within security roles to limit what status can be changed to another, reducing the risk of human error and increasing certainty around report accuracy.

See Status permissions in action.

How to use Status Permissions

To show you how Status permissions can work in practice, we will give you a simple real-world example that can be used as a reference while creating your Status permissions.

In our example case, we would like to ensure that all the users in the VIP Artist roles in the Animation workflow would be unable to change any Task Status to “Client approved”.

  • Here are the steps to take:

1. Access the feature from System settings > Workflow > Schemas.

There you can set the Status permissions for all your workflow schemas individually.

2. Open the Animation schema with a single click.

This will take you to a page where you can see the new Permissions buttons that will enable you to modify Status permissions for any chosen Object in that schema.


3. Click the Task Permissions button shown in the picture above.

This will open an edit menu that enables you to manage Status permissions for Tasks in the Animation workflow.

4. Choose the user Role (using the dropdown menu)you want to be affected by the change (in this case - VIP Artist)

5. Toggle on the pencil icon to the left of the Client approved status.


This will open an edit menu where you can manage that specific status permission and choose which status(es) can be changed to “Client approved.”

Please note: You have to select NEW_ENTITY on at least one of the statuses to allow the Administrator to create a new milestone.


6. Choose the None checkbox, and Save the setting.


Final outcome: VIP Artists (in the Animation workflow) can no longer change a Task from any status to “Client approved.”

Please note: After saving the settings, it may take a few minutes before the new Status permission is active.

Tip: If a role needs to create an object (for example, a Task or an Asset Version) - the object needs to have at least one status set.

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