The time-tracking features offered by ftrack will help you to get the most accurate information in the least painful way, making the information more usable so that you can give better estimates and also get control over your time.
Using the time logger
ftrack makes it easy to keep track of the time you work on different projects by using timers.
To start a timer, open the time logger in the web application by clicking the clock icon to the right in the top menu.
The time logger shows a list of recent time logs and lets you create new time logs by starting new timers.
To start a timer, select one of your assigned tasks and click Start.
Once you have finished working on the task, click Stop to stop the timer and save the tracked time as a new time log in the list.
Tip: You can filter the assigned tasks drop-down by entering some phrases into the field. The order of the phrases does not matter, eg. you can enter ‘animation Motorbike’ to only show animation tasks on the Motorbike sequence. |
You can also start a timer by clicking on the start timer icon. It appears in several places in the system, eg. in the list of recent time logs and on each task in the timesheet.
Please note: You can only have one timer running at a time. Starting a new timer while one is already running will stop the first timer and save any time tracked before starting the new one. |
In other places, such as on task cards, there is a way to open the time logger directly with the appropriate task preselected.
Adding a time log manually
If you happen to forget to start a timer or prefer to log your time retroactively, you can save time logs manually. Open the time logger and select the task you wish to log time against. Instead of clicking Start, enter the desired duration and click Save. From here, you can also add a comment to your time log.
Tip: You can filter the assigned tasks drop-down by entering some phrases into the field. The order of the phrases does not matter, eg. you can enter ‘animation Motorbike’ to only show animation tasks on the Motorbike sequence. |
- The field supports many different formats for quick entering of time, see Entering time values with natural units.
Removing a time log
You can remove a time log by clicking the remove time log icon.
Using the timesheet
To see a summary of the tracked time, click the Switch to timesheet button.
The timesheet view shows all the tasks for which you have logged time during the selected week. Each cell represents the total amount of time logged on that day.
Adding or updating a value in the timesheet will be performed according to the following:
The cell in the bottom row of each day column will indicate with a border when the total number of worked hours entered that day is equal to or more than the Workday length value set in System settings > Scheduling > Settings.
Tip: You can filter the assigned tasks drop-down by entering some phrases into the field. The order of the phrases does not matter, eg. you can enter ‘animation Motorbike’ to only show animation tasks on the Motorbike sequence. |
Adding a task as a favorite
Click the star-shaped icon to add a task as a favorite in the timesheet.
Entering time values with natural units
You can specify values with units to quickly enter a variety of different time values.
There are different formats for each unit available.
Spacing is optional, and you can use either float or integer values for each unit specified.
Float values
Interpreted as fractional hours.
Integer values
Interpreted as minutes.
Hour clock
Interpreted as hours and minutes. General format is {hh:mm}. Can optionally specify the unit {hh:mm} {hour-unit}.
Minute clock
Interpreted as minutes and seconds. Format is {mm:ss} {minute-unit}.