Create and Track a Project Introduction

Your workspace is coming along nicely! You've planned your project(s) structure, set up your workflow within System Settings, and added your team. Now it’s time to learn how to create a project in your workspace!

The following articles walk you through the creation process, options for how to build out the project structure in the UI, as well as tips for tracking and updating all your project information once you’re in progress. 


As you work through this section, we offer a couple of recommendations:

  1. Read through the linked articles in the order they are presented, as they have been organized to give you the clearest path to setting up your project. 
  2. Familiarize yourself with the discussed features by either walking through them on one of the demo projects provided in your workspace (Napo or Sync) or creating a test project that can be used as a sandbox before setting up your own project. This will ensure you have a full understanding of which features are dependent on each other during the set-up stage.

Let's get started!

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