Settings like workday length and various task settings can be changed in System settings > Scheduling > Settings.
Available settings:
Workday length - How many hours a full workday is.
Workweek - Weekdays that should be considered as working days.
Display as days - Select the unit to use in ftrack. Example: bid values in days or hours, logged time values in days or hours.
Display week numbers - display week numbers in timeline views
Schedule task dates with time - Turn on to schedule tasks (start date and due date) with time accuracy.
Restrict timelogging - Restrict time logging to assigned tasks. Enabling this option will limit users to only allow logging time against their assigned tasks and any tasks explicitly made 'Open for everyone'. When this option is enabled, a new option 'Open for everyone' is visible on tasks, which can be set to allow unassigned time logging on certain tasks.
Users can claim tasks - If a task is not assigned to anybody (or assigned, see below) this option enables a user to claim that task (self-assign it) without intervention from a project manager.
Enable multiple task claim - Multiple users can claim a task.
Auto start task on activity - This option automatically sets the status to In Progress state (based on Workflow Schema) if there is any activity on a task, for instance, a user logging time or publishing an asset.
Add user to team when allocated to an event - Automatically add users to the corresponding Project team when they are allocated to an event.