You can manage your Users and Groups from System Settings's Users and Groups page.
Open the image to enlarge.
Go to System settings > Resources > Users and Groups. The appropriate Role permissions are required. |
Create a User Account
When creating a new User, you have to option to send an invite which gives your User more autonomy to finalize their account, or you can manually add the User, which gives the Admin full control over User attributes such as First name, Last name, and User name.
Regardless of choice, the Admin can always make edits should accounts need to be updated.
When creating a new User account, it will be given a default Role for workspace permission allowance, which can be changed later.
Tip: You can change the default User Role selection from System settings > Security > Settings. We recommend the default to be a limited User role for security reasons until you are confident you can re-assign the user to a more open role (like Project Manager or Administrator). |
Send an Invite
Sending invites is the simplest way of creating Users.
- Click the Create user account button at the top of the Users and Groups page.
- Then click the Send invite button in the dialogue window.
- Enter the email address of the User, or email addresses separated by commas if you want to invite multiple Users at once.
- Finish up by clicking Create account(s).
The invited User(s) will be added to your Users and Groups page, and their First name, User name and email address will be populated by the email address you invited them with.
What the User Sees
The User will receive an email with the subject " has invited you to ftrack". The email contains a link the new User can click to Accept invitation. |
The User is then directed to a form to fill out their remaining details and create a new password. Once they click Continue, they will be directed to their homepage of the ftrack workspace. |
Lastly, once the User logs in with their new details, the User's account will be updated in Resources > Users and Groups to reflect the changes.
Create Account Manually
You can create your Users manually if you want to control what name and other attributes a User receives.
- Click the Create user account button at the top of the Users and Groups page.
- Then click the Create manually button in the dialogue window.
- Enter the User details.
- Select Create account
Required User details:
Managing User Role Permissions
Each User in ftrack Studio is given a Role. This Role allows them only to see and access content and workspace areas set up in their Role permissions.
Tip: To learn more about these settings, visit Manage Roles and Permissions. |