Managing Users with Google sign in

ftrack can be set up to manage user authentication with Google Sign in. To accomplish this, your ftrack server and your Google account need to be linked to each other.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 11.23.17.png

Go to System settings > Resources > Google settings page and Enable Google login in ftrack by enabling the checkbox and entering your Google Domain name.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 08.18.14.png

Log in to your Google account, click Security in the Admin console, and then API reference on the next screen. Make sure the checkbox Enable API access is ticked.

To enable existing Google users to log in to ftrack, all Google user accounts must have a corresponding account in ftrack. 

  • Go to System settings > Resources > Google settings and press Enable workspace syncScreenshot 2024-10-29 at 14.24.42.png
  • Go to System settings > Resources  > Users and Groups and press Sync with Google Login to fetch information about your Google accounts and add them to ftrack. A consent screen will be presented to allow ftrack access to the users in your google account.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 11.25.18.png

Now you should be able to log in with any of the accounts listed on the Users page in ftrack with google selected in the Type column.

Please note: Make sure that the username you usually enter into the username field when logging in to ftrack is present in Google.



If you see an error message after syncing users, something could be wrong with your setup.

Here are some of the common ones:

  • Domain cannot use apis” - means you have not enabled API access in your Google account.
  • Resource Not Found: domain” - means the account you logged in with is not a valid Google account.

If the sync appears fine, but no users show up in the list, ensure the domain you entered in Google Login settings matches the users email addresses in your Google account.

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