Connect Time Tracker Widget

The time tracker widget allows users to track their work hours and record it in ftrack in the given context.

The widget is simple to use and already shows the tasks you have been assigned but only one task at a time is allowed to be tracked.


The widget is composed of two sections:

  • Currently running
    This will hold the currently running task and provide the full context of it if there’s any (will appear disabled if none is running).

  • Assigned
    Will provide a list of all the tasks you have been assigned to and you can track your time.


Tracking time

To start tracking the time against a task, simply press the play button from the Assigned tasks and stop it from the Currently Running. 



Once stopped you’ll be able to restart counting just pressing again the Start button from the Currently running one.



Time reports

Whenever a task is stopped, the value will be registered in ftrack.


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