Review overview

Reviews in the ftrack Studio are currently separated into two different systems, one for internal and one for client-facing reviews (although the interfaces are similar).

Internal Reviews

Internal reviews can be accessed by anyone with login access to your ftrack Studio instance, and include links to internal information. They can be carried out by an individual working on their own, or by groups working interactively and in sync.

All media in ftrack can be reviewed at any time, including notes and annotations. All notes saved against a version in an internal review are also saved against the version in ftrack Studio, so all notes are always available.

A "Lightbox" view is also available for any quick reviews of media, not requiring notes or annotations.

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Client reviews

Client reviews can give access to external guests (ie clients, external collaborators) who don't have login access to your ftrack instance. They can be managed and run directly from ftrack Studio using a simple and user-friendly interface.

You can easily set up a review session with media already present on your server and invite your collaborators via email to join the session, where they can make notes and mark their approval.

And when the session is done, you can set the status on the reviewed items and transfer the feedback you want to share with the team back into ftrack.

Client reviews are a way to run client review sessions separate from the main ftrack application and comprise two main components:

  • The review session management page for setting up and managing review sessions.


  • The actual review session can be accessed via a special invite link without needing an ftrack login.



The basic workflow for setting up a Client review session and getting feedback from a client is as follows:

  1. An ftrack user, with appropriate permissions, starts by creating a session, setting relevant details and adding content.

  2. When ready for feedback, the user can add collaborators and send them invites by email to join the session.

  3. Collaborators receiving an invite can sign in to review content, draw on frames and leave feedback by writing comments. They can quickly mark items as either approved or requiring changes using dedicated approval buttons.

  4. The review session manager can then gather all comments and annotations made on the content into a PDF report.

  5. If you’ve got feedback in the review session that you want to share with the team, you can transfer it to ftrack.

Please note: An essential concept of review sessions is that all changes are separate from the main application. This means that collaborators can make comments and set individual approval statuses at will, and then that feedback can be passed on to the rest of the team at the appropriate time.

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