Using Notifications

Whether you want to know every detail as it happens or only want a summary every so often, ftrack has notification options to suit your workflow. You can choose from Inbox notifications in ftrack, email notifications, a digest email notification summary, or any combination of the three.

As a manager of a project, you have the special option to assign yourself to projects, objects, and folders, to receive all notifications as it relates to the elements you are the manager of.

Internal Notifications - Inbox

Internal notifications can be accessed from any page via the Inbox on the top bar, and they keep you up to date with your selected information (such as new messages, status updates, published versions, assignments, and unassignments) when they happen.


When there are new notifications, the icon will light up and show you the number of unread notifications. To read them, open the Inbox by clicking the icon.


Tip: To learn how to specify which information to receive as internal notifications, see Notification Settings in Managing your Account.


Mail Notifications

The Mail notification system keeps you up to date with the latest information and sends you notifications by email for updates selected (such as assignments, notes, published assets, etc.).

Within emailable notifications, you can choose to receive individual notifications at the time the update occurs in ftrack, or you can choose to include all notifications in one Digest email delivered at a time interval that works best for you.


Image: Example of a Digest email containing updates for Assignments and Unassignments.

Tip: To learn how to specify which information to receive in mail notifications or email digests, see Notification Settings in Managing your Account.


Manager Notifications

When managers want to have a detailed view of everything happening within a project (non-task level updates), they can assign themselves as manager of a particular project.

If you prefer to only follow updates on the portion of the project you may be managing, you can be added as a manager on the object and folder level, to receive updates of that specific element.

Any user with 'Edit managers' permission in their role can add themselves as a manager to any level of the project by navigating to the sidebar, clicking the More button at the top, and selecting Managers.

Manager level notifications include:

  • Publishing an asset would notify all upstream managers
  • Updating a status would notify all upstream managers
  • Assigning someone would notify the show manager



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