Finding your Way

In this article, you will get an overview of the fundamental sections of your ftrack Studio site.

The top bar

The main navigation element in ftrack is the top bar, which is located on the top of the ftrack Studio's interface.


How to navigate in the top bar


A. Overview - this page allows you to get a bird’s-eye view of everything that is going on at the Studio, across different projects and departments.

B. Projects - this menu enables you to access projects you are currently assigned to tasks on, other active projects, and also project tools and hidden projects if you are a project manager.

C. Reports - this menu enables you to reach a variety of project tracking reports (only visible if you have project manager or admin permissions).

D. My Tasks - this dashboard is your "home" where everything related to you and your work is displayed (see below).

E. Bookmarks - this menu lists the pages you have bookmarked. A page can be bookmarked by clicking the heart-shaped icon to the right of this menu item (Not all the pages can be bookmarked).

F. Time logger - for tracking task time.

G. Jobs - dialog enables you to see the status changes of your open and past jobs.

H. Search - To jump between objects or search for other users, you can bring up the search dialog by clicking the magnifying glass icon or by pressing Q on the keyboard.

I. Inbox - opens your message inbox, and it will light up whenever you have new notifications.

J. Profile menu - access your account settings (all users) as well as system settings (Admin only)


My Tasks dashboard

When you are first time signing in to your ftrack account, you will land on your My Tasks dashboard page, which contains widgets that are all focused on easy navigation in the logged-in user’s tasks information. (The default landing page can be later changed from your personal account settings.)


How to navigate in the My Tasks dashboard


A. Task summary - This widget is your assigned task status summary.

B. Task board - Enables a quick and easy way to change the status of tasks by dragging and dropping to the next status (Tasks also available in Task list and Schedule view).

C. Weekly time logged - This widget summarizes the time logged in your week.

D. Upcoming dates - This widget lists important dates upcoming. If you can't see this panel, click the hamburger-menu.jpg menu on the right, below your weekly time.

E. Activities - This widget shows the activity feed for everything related to the logged-in user and their tasks.



ftrack Studio’s sidebar is a fundamental component of our whole user experience and serves as the first source of information for projects and their users and objects (Tasks, Folders, Shots, Sequences, Versions, Lists, Projects, etc.)

It enables you quickly find the information you need when you need it. 

Clicking any object name link within the ftrack Studio interface will open the sidebar(on the right), presenting you with further details related to that object - this could be a task, version, shot, episode, folder, project, user, etc. 

It gathers all information and details about a specific object, including its notes, related assets, files, and more, and it is also possible to change many of its properties from here.



Project page

Navigating any specific project takes you to a page of that project, enabling you to track and update its information.

How to navigate in the project page


A. Project Navigation - from this navigation tree, you can reach the entire project hierarchy of objects, as well as your Team, Client reviews, Lists and Asset builds of the current project.

Options on each item in the tree can be opened via the right-click menu or by clicking the small arrow to the right of each row, visible when moving the mouse over it.

The arrow to the left of each item will expand the object showing the objects within.

B. Dashboard menu - located above the spreadsheet. With this menu, you can navigate between project pages like the main spreadsheet, the versions page, your own dashboards etc. 

C. Information Grid - From this section, you will find the figure/information that is currently selected in the Dashboard menu whether that be the Task Spreadsheet, Versions page, Team planner, or project Dashboards


Tasks Spreadsheet

You will find the Tasks Spreadsheet from the dashboard menu in the top left, just below the top bar when you are on a project page (see the figure below).


How to navigate in the Tasks Spreadsheet


A. + Create - allows you to quickly create a variety of objects within your project.

B. Import - click to open the import wizard that enables you to import data into the spreadsheet.

C. Save, Undo, Redo, and Remove (delete) buttons.

  • Auto-Save - By clicking the small arrow to the right of the save icon and selecting 'Save changes automatically', you can enable the auto-save feature. When enabled, all changes made to the spreadsheet will be automatically saved.

D. Layout options - each option changes how the data is displayed in the spreadsheet. These include: classic hierarchic view, only shots/asset builds, or only tasks. (Note: the display depends on the current level selected in the tree to the left.)

E. Schedule - This button toggles the schedule options for the Gantt planning tool, Project planner and Resources.

F. View menu - Displays all custom views saved by the current user or shared within the studio workspace.

G. Group by - In addition to the layout buttons, the data in the spreadsheet can be grouped by the options in this menu.

H. Lists - When you’ve selected item(s) in the spreadsheet, from this menu you can add, remove, or move that item(s) between lists.

I. Export - Select a format in this menu to export the data in the spreadsheet.

J. Spreadsheet Refresh - By clicking this, you can manually refresh the spreadsheet.

K. (Spreadsheet) Settings - Here you’ll find options like row height, overlays, display options, and also which attributes to include as columns in the spreadsheet.

L. Type to filter... - By typing into this text field, you can quickly filter the spreadsheet. To get more filter options, click the Filters icon. You can find more information in the Filtering article.

M. Column Header - Here you see which attributes are included in this spreadsheet, including some spreadsheet stats (if you’ve added any). Spreadsheet functions can be added by clicking the small arrow to the right in the column header when moving your mouse over it.

N. This is the main Tasks Spreadsheet.


Versions page

The Versions page consists of two toolbars and a view that shows all versions at the current level. You will find the Versions page in the dashboard menu in the top left, just below the top bar when you are on a project page (see the figure below).


How to navigate in the Versions page


A. Layouts - With these buttons, you can change the view between the spreadsheet and thumb layout.

B. Lists - When you’ve selected at least one version, you can add, remove or move the item(s) between lists.

C. Views - Here you can change to another view you’ve saved, or a view shared in the studio.

D. Refresh - By clicking this, you can manually refresh the view.

E. Settings - Here you’ll find options like how to sort the versions and which attributes to include in the view. Note that the export option only is available when the view is in a spreadsheet layout.

F. Type to filter... - By typing into this text field, you can quickly filter the spreadsheet. To get more filter options, click the Filters icon. You can find more information in the Filtering article.

G. This is the Versions spreadsheet or thumbnails.

H. View toolbar - Changes to the settings here update the view instantly.



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