Managing Note Labels

Note labels provide a way to organize notes into categories such as Internal, Client, Dailies etc. You can create, edit, and delete labels to fit your workflow, and they can be used to sort and search for specific notes.


Image: Example of a "Client Feedback" label being applied to a note in the sidebar Notes tab of a Task.

Tip: You can manage note labels from System settings > Workflow > Note labels.


Create a label

To create a new label, go to System settings > Workflow > Note labels and click the Create button.


Choose a label display color and enter a name for your label. When you have entered the requested details, click the Create button.


Edit or delete a label

To edit or delete a label, move the mouse over the corresponding row, and buttons for the actions will appear.


Please note:

  • A note label cannot be deleted if there is an existing note using that label. Notes with the "offending" label will need to be updated to a new label before you can delete the old one.

  • ftrack needs at least one note label in System settings. Therefore you cannot remove all labels.

  • We do not recommend editing the out-of-the-box "Client feedback" label.  Due to the way it has been formatted, feedback with this label will still appear as "Client feedback" after notes have been transferred from a Client Review session.


Create a default note label

Out of the box, notes in ftrack have no label selected. By using the optional "Default note category" setting, all notes created from the API and the UI will default to the label chosen in this setting. When creating a new note, you can always change the label if you don't wish to use the default.

To specify a default note label go to System settings > Workflow > Settings and select a label in the "Default note category" drop-down and then save your changes.

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