Managing Types

A smaller company might only need a few types, while larger facilities would benefit from using more specific types to track a more complex pipeline. Types will be used in your workflow schemas, and can be accessed and configured in System settings > Workflow > Types.

Please note: The order of your types is important as that is the order they will appear throughout ftrack. You can drag and drop types to re-order them in the system settings.


Click Create to create a new type and fill in the required information.


Required information:

  • Color - The color representing this type in charts and spreadsheets. (Tip: you can use hex codes to generate more color choices)
  • Name - The name of the type.
  • Billable - Billable indicates whether objects with that type should be included when summarizing task counts, bids, and worked hours in most reports and charts. This may be used to separate administrative tasks which you may need to schedule internally, but don’t want to include as part of the work that went into a project.


Double-click a row or click the pen icon to edit a type, or click the trash can icon to remove the type.

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