Using Custom Dashboards

Widgets are the areas that your dashboards are built up of, and that usually consists of either a spreadsheet or some kind of grid.

An ftrack widget can be almost anything that can be rendered on a web page, from a component that fetches data from within ftrack to a frame that shows an arbitrary web page.

Create a new dashboard

To create a new dashboard and add widgets to it, follow these steps:

Click Create dashboard in the Dashboards menu or the plus (+) icon.


Enter a name for your dashboard and select layout: one large area, two or three columns. Click Create.


In the next dialog, you have the possibility to add the widgets you like to create the dashboard you want. Select widgets and click Done.


To see your new dashboard in action, click Save, and your dashboard will be reloaded.

Please note: Don’t forget to click Save when you’ve made any changes, to ensure you don’t lose anything.


Edit a dashboard

Dashboards you have created are editable to enable you to manage widgets and change layout etc. Follow these steps to edit a dashboard:

Go to a custom dashboard on a project, hover the dashboard name in the menu, and click the arrow to the right. Select Edit in the menu.

This is the edit view, and that is recognized by the toolbar at the bottom that consists of the Add widget button and Share button in addition to the Edit and Delete buttons.

  • The Add widget button opens the Add widget dialog, where you can manage widgets.
  • Via the Share button, you can share the dashboard with all or specific users in ftrack.
  • The Edit button opens the Edit dialog, where you can edit the name and layout of the dashboard.
  • By clicking the Delete button, you can remove your dashboard.


Manage widgets on a dashboard

Your dashboard can be customized to consist of exactly what you want to see (as long as there is a widget for it, and if there isn’t, your studio can develop one and add it to ftrack).

To manage widgets on a dashboard, follow these steps:

Go to a custom dashboard on a project, hover the dashboard name in the menu, and click the arrow to the right. Select Edit in the menu.

To add or remove widgets, do the following:

  • To add a widget - Click Add widget in the bottom toolbar to bring up the Add widget dialog.
  • To remove a widget - Click the remove icon at the top of a widget in the dashboard builder view. If the widget is of a single type (that can only be added once per dashboard), you can also remove it by clicking an added widget card again in the Add widget dialog.


Pre-installed widgets

ftrack comes with a set of pre-installed widgets that you can use to build your own dashboards:

  • Activity - Shows the activity feed with a filter toolbar.
  • Assigned resources - Shows all assigned resources with the tasks in their different states. It can be set to show the total number of tasks or the bid.
  • Cumulative flow diagram - This shows an area graph that depicts the quantity of work in a given state. Particularly interesting details that the graph shows are how much work that is in progress and how long time every state takes.
  • Info - This shows the properties of the entity you’re currently looking at.
  • Insights - Shows insights boxes. Insights boxes can show information such as task count, task bid, shot count, etc. and can be managed in the widget settings dialog.
  • Insights top - Works like the Insights widget with the difference that this widget is automatically placed at the top of the dashboard.
  • Latest assets - Shows the latest assets on all levels in the hierarchy.
  • Latest lists - Shows the latest added lists on all levels in the hierarchy.
  • Note - Shows notes posted on the entity you’re currently looking at.
  • Status not done (advanced) - Shows in a chart how many tasks are currently not done.
  • Tasks bid left - Shows task bid left in a chart.
  • Tasks burndown - Shows in a chart how much of the bid that is left vs. task completion.
    The burndown can be used to get an estimate of how much time is spent on a project, compared to how much has been completed. In both, the bid estimate on the project is considered.
    Actual burndown This is the number of completed tasks over time. Starts at 100% and goes down to 0% when the whole project is completed, and all tasks have the status Done.
    Bid days left This is the number of bid days/hours left when the actual time has been subtracted. This value will decrease over time when users log time to a task.
    If the project is executed 100% according to the plan, both lines should hit 0 at the end of the project. Meaning that all the estimated time was used up and everything was completed.
  • Tasks by state - Shows in a chart how many tasks are in every state.
  • Tasks not started - Shows in a chart all tasks currently not started.
  • Tasks statuses - Shows in a chart all tasks in every status.
  • Upcoming dates - Shows upcoming dates. The dates can be managed in the widget settings dialog.
  • Web view- Shows a web page frame that can load a custom web address. In order to add or update web view widgets, you will need the "Manage custom widget" permission and have custom widgets enabled from System settings > Advanced > Custom widgets.


Share a dashboard

Dashboards that you have created (the dashboard configuration) can be shared with all users or specific users in ftrack. Follow the steps below to share a dashboard with other user(s):

Go to a custom dashboard on a project, hover the dashboard name in the menu, and click the arrow to the right. Select Edit in the menu.


Click Share in the bottom toolbar to bring up the Share dashboard dialog.


  • To share the dashboard with all users, select Share with everyone and click Save.
  • To share with specific users, select Share with a specific user(s)
  • Add users to the Add user(s) box, write an optional message and then click Save.


  • If you don’t want to share a dashboard with a specific user anymore, you can remove a user in the Share dialog by clicking the remove icon next to any user.
  • Admins can also 'Share', 'Edit' or 'Delete’ dashboards created by any user via System settings > Advanced > User dashboards.


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