
You can use the filter panel to quickly filter any spreadsheet or view where the filter panel icon appears.

Image: Filter panel in the Tasks Spreadsheet

The filters panel is separated into two sections: filters and advanced filters. A filter can quickly be added to the panel from the Add filter menu, while an advanced filter can be set up in the Advanced filters settings dialog and then added to the filter panel.


Multiple filters can be combined into an advanced filter with either all or any statements between each filter.


Filters present in the filter panel upon saving a view are automatically added to the spreadsheet configuration and saved into the view to give you the ability to get back to the exact same spreadsheet state later.

Tip: The filter panel toggle button indicates a purple background color when having any number of filters active, which affects the spreadsheet.


The spreadsheet updates automatically by default when anything has changed in the filters panel. If you don’t want this to happen, you can turn this off by clicking the small arrow to the right on the Apply button and unchecking Apply filters automatically. When disabled, you can click the Apply button to manually refresh the spreadsheet.



Adding a filter

To add a filter, click the Add filter button at the top of the filter panel and select an attribute to filter by. Find the filter in the filter panel and set it up as you wish. The spreadsheet is instantly updated to reflect the settings in the filter panel as soon as you change any setting.

Some filters offer the ability to filter beyond the pre-defined settings. For instance, with the Assignee filter, you can filter by any user, and the date filter offers filters by “Today” and “Next week” but also any custom date.



Removing a filter

To remove a filter from the filter panel, click the Remove icon to the right in the filter header. 


The spreadsheet is instantly updated as soon as you click the icon.

Inverting a filter

If you want to invert the result of a filter, you can use the Invert button to the right in the filter header.


Disabling a filter

If you want to temporarily disable, but not remove a filter, you can use the Disable button to the right in the filter header.


Setting up an Advanced filter

You can set up and manage advanced filters by clicking the cog icon at the top of the filter panel and selecting Advanced filters.


The advanced filter settings dialog comprises two sections:

  • all filters

  • any filters


Filters added to the all category must all match, and any filter added to the any category must match. Between the categories is an AND statement.


When you are satisfied with the settings, click Done, and the spreadsheet will refresh instantly.

Please note: The filters that can be added to the dialog work the same way as the filters that can be added in the filter panel.


Managing an Advanced filter

To edit an advanced filter, click the Edit link to the right in the Advanced filters header.


To remove an advanced filter, click the Remove icon to the right in the Advanced filters header.


Resetting the filter panel

In case you got too many filters added to the panel and want to start over with the default filters, click the cog icon and select Reset default.



Quick filtering

If you want to find an item quickly by any of the main attributes (see the list below), you can filter the spreadsheet instantly by typing into the Type to filter... text field.


Depending on a spreadsheet, the available attributes to filter by are:

Tasks spreadsheet

  • entity name (works for any entity: task, shot, folder, etc.)

  • entity description (works for any entity: task, shot, folder, etc.)

Versions page

  • version name

  • version type

  • version publisher

Lists spreadsheet

  • list name

  • created by user


Global filters (Scopes)

Scopes work as a global filter in ftrack. They allow quickly switching focus and also narrowing or expanding your view with a few clicks. For example, they can be used if you have work divided over several sites around the world and want a quick way to view just the work being done at certain sites before zooming out to see the big picture.

Adding Scopes

To add a new scope, go to System settings > Workflow > Scope. Click the Create button and enter a name.



Adding entities to Scopes

Setting scopes on entities can be done either from the sidebar or from a spreadsheet. To set it from a spreadsheet - Go to the tasks spreadsheet on a project and add the Scope attribute from the Gear menu > Attributes > Task > Scope.


Once added, select the entities that you want to add scopes to and double-click the Scope attribute.

Please note: Scopes can only be added to one object type at a time.


To set a scope from the sidebar - Open the sidebar for a specific entity and click the Scope attribute.



Filtering on Scopes

To filter on Scopes, select one or more scopes from User menu Scope in the top right corner.



When one or more scopes are selected, views in ftrack will update to only show entities in the selected scopes. A notification bar is shown across the top of the screen whenever a global filter is active.

Please note: At the moment, scopes are only supported by the tasks spreadsheet and the versions spreadsheet, the Project menu, and the left tree navigation. In the future, they will also be able to affect other views in the system, including custom dashboards.


Filtering using API like queries

You can also use API-like queries to filter the result.

  • Please read more in this article.
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