You can navigate to a specific project by clicking the Projects menu in the top bar.
There you can reach all active projects as well as those that are hidden (or archived).
The menu offers both filtering and sorting capabilities to make it easier to locate the right project quickly.

The Projects menu contains three columns:
- Recent Projects - Shows the last five projects you visited.
- My Projects - Shows all projects you are currently assigned to tasks on.
- Active Projects - Shows all currently active projects.
Tip: The height of the menu can be changed by clicking the arrows at the bottom of the menu. The new height is saved to keep it the same when opening the menu again. |
If there are many projects available in the menu, you can use the filter field in the top left to quickly find a project by name. The displayed results will be narrowed as you type.

The columns in the menu are sorted alphabetically on the project name by default.
However, the order can be changed for each column by clicking the Sort button to the right of the column header.

Changes to the sort order are saved individually for each column.